Sunday, January 17, 2010

Campfire Peach Cobbler

Well it has been awhile since we posted, but rest assured, not because we didn't want to, just wwwwaaaayyyy to much going on.  Friday night, Shae had her DI team over for a meeting (seven screaming teenagers-oooohhhh long night)  Two of the girls spent the night and Jamie had a friend spend the night as well- they were all up to the wee hours.  Saturday, Shae, Regan and Trey went to Monster Jam and we (Me, Jarrett, and Jamie) went to Grady's BBQ- used one of our complimentary meals for the beans not being done at the wedding.  2 down - 2 to go.  Enjoyed the evening.  Now today we are BBQing some fajitas and Jarrett's famous Fideo.  For dessert, Jamie and I made a Peach Cobbler.  Jamie thought it would be a great idea to share, although I know not everyone has a dutch oven and cooks over open fire, I am sure it could be adapted to an oven. 

Campfire Peach Cobbler

1 large can of peaches, cut into chunks
1 Butter or Yellow cake mix (we used Butter)
1 1/4 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3 TBSP brown sugar

Line dutch oven with heavy duty foil, pour peaches in the bottom of dutch oven.  Mix cake mix with oil and water, pour over peaches.  Sprinkle brown sugar over cake mix.  If using charcoal briquets- use 8- 10 on top and 8-10 on bottom.  Of course, Jarrett just wings it with wood coals and usually does pretty good.  It calls for about 30-40 minutes- when your on wood coals, you better check a little sooner.   

Onto Jamie: I like it when my dad cooks in the dutch oven.  Right now I am eating it and it is delish.Guess what I get to go to a spurs game, my teacher won 300 tickets and we each get 2. Yesterday I had a friend over and her name is Chloe,we had a good time.Bye next time we are going to tell you about our bread pudding.

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